Case study Renault


The CMP deployed by ADventori, has enabled :
Implementation of highly localized campaigns, capitalizing on national communication while addressing local business needs.
Optimization of campaign launch processes.
Increased autonomy and flexibility for dealerships in managing local digital campaigns.
Since the implementation of the CMP in June 2020, the tool has become structural and used as a common thread: 21 personalized used vehicle campaigns and 29 personalized new vehicle campaigns by dealerships in 6 months.
Immediate high level of adoption among dealerships.


Renault, the leading automobile advertiser in France, is expanding its digital communication through institutional campaigns accompanied by promotional campaigns for new vehicles (VN) and used vehicles (VU).

These digital campaigns are initiated by Renault's National Headquarters and managed in collaboration with the 5 regional divisions of the brand, which oversee over 650 dealerships throughout France (direct and resale).

Publicis, the media agency for the Renault group's local communications, has been collaborating with ADventori for 12 years to optimize Renault's digital campaigns. With years of successful collaboration, ADventori has become a trusted partner in executing personalized digital operations.

In this context, Publicis and ADventori have worked together to create a platform with the ambition of making Renault's regional campaigns more customizable and involving dealerships in the decision-making process of vehicles to promote.


Objectives and challenges

To support the commercial activity of its local network, Renault historically offered centralized regional campaigns with a web-to-store focus, allowing the Regional Divisions to participate. Although these campaigns were localized in terms of offerings (specific dealership details and offer locations), the "product offering" dimension was not integrated into these campaigns.

Renault aims to go even further in personalization by giving more freedom to the dealerships and allowing them to choose the vehicles to showcase, whether new or used.

Therefore, how can the 650 dealerships choose their models within a centralized campaign? How can the integration of offers into the brand's display campaigns be automated? And how can the management of these campaigns be organized between the National Headquarters, Regional Divisions, and Publicis?

To address these challenges, ADventori, as a trusted partner of Renault and Publicis, has developed a Creative Management Platform (CMP).

The purpose of this platform is to streamline the management of digital campaigns by involving the local entities more actively. Thanks to ADventori's CMP, dealerships can now independently choose the vehicles they want to highlight. Digital campaigns are updated in real-time, presenting each dealership's selection within a consistent institutional brand communication across France.


Technological Advisory Mission – Product consulting

  • Gathering, understanding, evaluating, and studying the Client's and Agency's needs
  • Providing technical recommendations for the Creative Management Platform dedicated to the brand, meeting Publicis' media and creative requirements

2. Operational Implementation Mission, aligned with Renault's organizational needs :

  • Workshops to define the personalization rules for the CMP
  • Integration of necessary data feeds for the campaigns
  • Defining key steps and communication modules (emails/alerts)
  • Defining campaign statistics and automating reports

3. Organizational Deployment Mission :

  • Defining the RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) for each stakeholder
  • Integrating an administration and supervision interface for Publicis
  • Creating tutorials and guides for platform usage

Deployed Solutions

Publicis and ADventori collaborated to create a user-friendly platform for Renault dealerships, enabling real-time feed for display advertising campaigns :

The Renault CMP consists of a single interface that supports two use cases depending on the type of vehicle to promote: offer promotions (for New Vehicles) and highlighting available stock (for New and Used Vehicles).

For the promotion of offers, the interface corresponds to a micro-catalog of promotional offers. The images and descriptions of these offers are updated by the National Headquarters through a spreadsheet. The Regional Direction (DR) selects the offers it wishes to promote. Each local manager can then choose to keep these offers or promote others for one or several dealerships in their group. If the local manager does not make any choices, the offers from the DR will be broadcast by default. Upon clicking, the user is redirected to a landing page displaying the clicked offer along with a list of dealerships near the user.

For highlighting vehicle stocks, the developed interface is connected to the stocks of available new or used vehicles. The local manager can choose, for one or several dealerships in their group, to make a selection by applying filters and sorting on the products in their stock, or manually selecting up to 10 vehicles. If they choose the filter selection, the filtered models will be displayed randomly on the banner based on the available stock. If they choose the manual selection, the selected models will be displayed directly on the banner. In both cases, they will be alerted if the stock of their vehicles reaches 0 during the campaign, allowing them to select other vehicles to promote. This system ensures that the vehicle presented in the banner is indeed available in stock. Upon clicking, the user is directly redirected to the vehicle's page.

From an advertising perspective, the Renault Creative Management Platform is supported by :

Integration of the ADventori ad-server into Renault's used vehicle API, enabling automatic update of the stocks in the interface.
Integration of technical specifications (list of dealerships, list of offers by model, etc.).
Associated DCO creatives.
Regular updates by ADventori of the spreadsheet containing the catalog of offers, feeding the interface.
The centralized media buying process by Publicis was not impacted by the implementation of the CMP. The buying process remained unchanged.

DCO banners

New Vehicle (NV) Campaign - Generic Message
New Vehicle (NV) Campaign - Nearest Dealership Address
After-Sales (AS) Campaign
Beaune dealership geolocation - highlighting available inventory
New Vehicle Campaign - Stock Creatives - Boulogne-Billancourt Dealership


Emmanuel Kissy
Client Manager at Publicis for the Renault North Regional Direction (DR)

This system allows us to fully support our dealerships' business and present our best offers to internet users. This new tool is a significant step in Renault's support for its local network.

We save valuable time with each campaign launch. We can autonomously choose the product content for our advertising banners.

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