Case study Air France CMP


Over 70 campaigns a year launched in more than 100 countries, representing over 3 billion DCO impressions.
The meta template consisted of more than 30 frames that covered all Air France scenarios, allowing for several hundred thousand possible combinations.
The campaign launch time was reduced from 1 month to 48 hours.
Decrease in creative costs associated with the production of advertising banners.


Air France has chosen to trust ADventori since 2018 for the organization, execution, and supervision of its display campaigns.

Promoting its offers to 1,150 destinations in 175 countries is a colossal challenge for Air France's digital teams and its dedicated agency, Aura.

By using ADventori's services, Air France personalizes and streamlines its digital display communication by offering the internet user the offer, program, language, and currency that correspond to them, while giving its internal teams greater autonomy and responsiveness in campaign scheduling.


Objectives and challenges

Air France deploys digital campaigns every week in various markets to promote its destinations worldwide in a highly competitive environment.

The challenge for the airline is to adapt its campaigns to the different countries in which they are displayed, as each country has its own characteristics and objectives: local languages, promotions, prices, airports, etc.

The complexity for Air France lies in its ability to provide personalized digital campaigns based on the country and departure airport, while streamlining its creative costs for banner production.

The use of Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) is essential to address these challenges.

To meet these objectives, Air France relies on ADventori to deploy its DCO campaigns, with the following key objectives :

Deliver personalized campaigns that adapt to the user and the characteristics of each country.

Optimize creative costs for banner production across different Air France markets while utilizing the creative concepts developed by its agency.

Provide autonomy and flexibility for Air France teams to launch and manage their display campaigns, both on the creative and media buying fronts.

Improve collaboration and streamline workflows among different stakeholders.

Independently test different creative concepts and campaign scenarios.

Supervise and measure campaigns and their performance in real-time.


DCO Banner creation

Development of Air France's DCO banners.

Campaign Configuration

Configuration and deployment of Air France's display campaigns.

Campaign Monitoring

Daily supervision and management of campaigns.


Workshop training for Aura and Air France teams. ADventori conducts workshops to train the teams on integrating DCO into the creative briefs, ensuring that the DCO capabilities are fully utilized from the early stages of campaign planning.

Deployed Solutions

ADventori has developed 2 solutions specifically for Air France :

1. Meta Template Deployment

In order to reduce creative costs associated with the development of Air France banners, ADventori has developed a meta template that automates the generation of banners for multiple countries, while streamlining the campaign launch process.

This meta template consists of a library of 28 screens that can be used to create all combinations of Air France banners for their display campaigns.

The creative concept change for Air France led by Aura in 2021 provided an opportunity to develop this meta template with the new brand guidelines in mind.

2. Development of a Creative Management Platform (CMP) 

Air France and ADventori collaborated to implement a platform called the Creative Management Platform (CMP), which aims to streamline and optimize the management and deployment of digital campaigns by adapting banner content to local specificities.

The CMP enables the following :

Automation of advertising campaign launches for local Air France markets, from banner construction to final preview: 15 media traders use the CMP on a daily basis to launch their campaigns.

Processing of all data feeds within the advertiser's digital campaigns (language translation feeds, airports, prices, availability, etc.).

Storage of an image bank and all frames used to develop the advertising banners.

Scheduling of campaign deployment in less than 48 hours.


DCO banners

Air france - France
Air france - Italy
Air France - China
picto mégaphone

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