Case study 366


13 campaigns for 11 different advertisers deployed since the partnership began.
More than 20 million impressions since the formats were created.
Significant reduction in campaign launch time.
Alignment of local and national business challenges.
Close links created for advertisers between their brand, distribution network and consumers.
Productivity gain for 366 and streamlined creative costs for advertisers.  


The 366 advertising network was looking for a tailor-made advertising solution to overcome advertisers’ web-to-store issues and allow brands to personalize their campaigns based on the user’s local context, and it chose ADventori. The new dynamic, turnkey solution allows 366 to deploy white-label web-to-store formats to offer its clients a richer experience.

ADventori worked with 366 to develop a multi-local strategy, with desktop and mobile banners used in the regional daily press displaying the various points of sale located near the user, with an interactive store locator.

366 can now offer advertisers a complete branding experience, and users a unified cross-device journey with interactive banners in multiple formats.


Objectives and challenges

366 has been the sole sales house for French regional dailies since 2014. By leveraging ADventori’s data-driven technology, 366 helps advertisers to achieve their main objective of integrating local business and branding while maintaining consistency nationwide.

This dynamic solution drives digital traffic to stores by helping users find their nearest point of sale thanks to interactive banners.

This packaged solution will significantly reduce campaign launch time, ensure users are protected by complying with the GDPR, and optimize data use (e.g. geolocation).

  This partnership with ADventori is part of the simplification process that has been under way at 366 for several years.    Luc Vignon - Deputy CEO responsible for digital transformation at 366


Offer package

Simplifying the process of setting up campaigns by creating a packaged solution.

Optimizing challenges

Increasing effectiveness in overcoming local and national business challenges thanks to 366’s strength and local presence.

Cost rationalization

Maximizing productivity and overall performance on a national level while reducing advertiser costs.

Real-time customization

Optimizing campaigns in real time based on users’ geolocation data.  

Deployed Solutions

ADventori adapted its packaged solution for DCO web-to-store formats to meet the business and strategic challenges of 366 and its advertisers. This solution provides a catalog of turnkey campaigns that considerably reduces campaign launch time :

  Creating a packaged solution with two available formats, Promax and Hexago, which can be quickly deployed to campaigns run by 366’s advertisers.

  Dynamic HTML5 desktop and mobile banners consistent with the advertiser’s visual identity: logo, graphics, form of expression.

  Displaying the geolocated points of sale near the user, with store address, opening hours, contact information and special offers.

  Data use (for which 366 obtains prior consent): geolocation, weather, dates, destinations, first- or third-party data, price/promotions, inventory produced.

  Several personalized redirection options: dedicated landing page, points of sale list (provided either by ADventori or through an advertiser’s dedicated site), personalized URL for each point of sale.

  Promax features :

  Integration of advertiser’s video directly in the banner ad in both desktop and mobile formats.

  Traffic driven to stores using an interactive store locator that users can access within the banner itself; they can zoom and move around within the integrated map and search for a route to the point of sale by entering their departure address.

  Use of cartography developed by ADventori to generate the maps displayed.

 Hexago features :

  Display of special offers or product promotions available at the point of sale by integrating a catalog or product feed as a carousel.

Examples of scenarios

Promax packaged format

ADventori has developed a Promax packaged format that meets the needs and challenges of 366. It presents a display and video promotion together with a web-to-store component that redirects users to the nearest point of sale offering this promotion. A proprietary ADventori cartography system has also been developed.

Video scenario + web-to-store for Renault

In an exclusive partnership with 366, ADventori has developed banners for Renault that include both a video and a web-to-store component. They are available in two mobile formats: 300×600 and 320×480. Three different videos are displayed at random, one for each Renault model (Kadjar, Megane and Zoe). With geolocation activated, the interactive store locator shows nearby dealerships, whose details are displayed when clicking on the lower part of the banner.

Hexago packaged format for Alfa Romeo

This campaign was put together in just a few days using the Hexago 300×250 packaged format developed by ADventori. It is an acquisition campaign that uses geolocation. Once the user has been geolocated, the banner displays the nearest reseller or dealer with their contact information. If geolocation cannot be used, a generic banner is displayed.

Intermarché - Point of sale

The Intermarché Point of Sale campaign is also available in desktop and mobile versions. Using geolocation, it displays a different visual for each of six offers associated with 110 points of sale. The scenario is the same as for the Intermarché Drive campaign: an acquisition campaign displaying geolocated offers.

Intermarché - Drive

The Intermarché Drive campaign is available in two formats, desktop and mobile, and features a creative design with two offers, “Fruit and Veg” and “Lower Prices”.  It is an acquisition campaign with a scenario based on geolocation. Once the user has been geolocated, the upper part of the banner displays either the “Fruit and Veg” or “Lower Prices” offer, depending on the user’s device. The lower part of the banner shows the points of sale closest to the user, either on a map or in a points of sale list, from the nearest to the furthest away. The user can then interact with the map to display the details of the point of sale and work out how to get there using the integrated route planner. If the user’s geolocation is not provided, a generic banner replaces the entire format.

DCO banners

Hexago packaged format for Alfa Romeo
Intermarché Drive campaign - Agde
Intermarché Point of Sale campaign - Saint-Nazaire
Nissan campaign - Paris
Nissan campaign - Marseille
Video scenario + web-to-store for Renault


Pierre-Antoine Durgeat
CE0 of ADventori

We are delighted to have built this tailor-made solution, which integrates the challenges of local sales and branding while taking into account the constraints that cartography and interaction place on ad serving, for example.

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